Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bug River Crossing Recap

This map and recap of Fridays game were posted in the newsgroup by Harlow Stevens who ran the game:
Posted by: "Harlow Stevens" on Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:22 pm (PST)

January ended up on a very good note with the playing of a scenario that represented Day #1 of Operation Barbarossa, in this case the storming of the Bug River just north of the city of Brest-Litovsk. I've just uploaded the map so having that in front of you or at least on another screen will help with the narrative. It's in the Files section (inserted above).
The map looks west to east as laid out. Russians had 2 Strelkovy COs, one of which had to start in the town of Matykaly. The other was just east of the Russian starting line spreading from one small forest section all the way to the other. A Platoon of Flame T-26's (4) were hiding behind the small ridge between the pillbox and corn field. Two 3-gun batteries of Russian 76.2mm were positioned on the road just east of the town. There was an NKVD snipper and 1 HMG stand in ambush.
The German river assault Platoons were allowed to set up in any of the three forest sections just west of the Bug River. The 209th Engineer Co & Bridging Column were allowed to start behind any of the three forest areas west of the River. There was also a platoon of 3 Tauchpanzers (Mk III amphibious) allowed to start on the table as well as the 2 batteries of artillery. The remainder came on board turn #1 along the track near the village of Patulin.
German strategy called for the building of the pontoon bridge just to the north of the northern most forest area, thus being out of range from the pillbox and T-26 Turret. The Tauchpanzers and 1 platoon of the 52nd motorised grenadiers forced their way across on either side of where the bridge was being constructed. Almost all of the action took place north of the main E/W road with the Germans keeping the Russian HMG fire and FO spotting limited to heavy smoke bombardment.German infantry and the TPs inched their way up their left flank, passed the hill and in the end came crashing towards the town of Matykaly along with other panzers that had made it across the now completed pontoon bridge. Russian armored rolled 'late' and when they did arrive, were greeted with two attacks by the Luftwaffe.The game went 11 of the 12 scheduled turns. The Objectives for the Germans were to A - Build a pontoon bridge over the Bug River, B -- Capture the town of Matykaly, and C -- Capture the bridge leading over the Ljashaja River. Russians were trying to deny them the objectives. The Germans took few casualties, but needed to be more aggressive on the left flank and eventually up the middle in order to have any chance of achieving at least OBJ B and an outside chance of C.

If players from either side would like to add their comments, they are more than welcome. I will be uploading the pics momentarily.


  1. You explain the action in great detail but one thing I don't understand is how do you decide who lives and dies. You talk about your tanks being eliminated before they were in range. How does that happen?

  2. I was wondering how the game works also.

  3. Each vehicle has a gun value and a armor value. You take the guns attack ability and modify it by the range then by if the target is hidden and see what number is needed to damage or destroy it. You then roll dice to see if the attack was successfull or failed.
    My tanks were eliminated when they were out of range because they had flame throughers with a range of 4" and the enemy tanks had tank guns with a range of 24" (I think). That meant that I was not able to get to him before he could shoot me.
    There is a store in Mount Prospect called Games Plus. They hold introductory games on the first Sunday of every month and also play on Wednesday and Friday nights. Anyone is welcome and able to play with an army they brought or one that someone else brought. I have never seen or heard of anyone receiving anything other than an open welcome.
